Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Windows Virtual Desktop intro

Flexibility and security are essential in an ever-changing workplace. Learn how Windows Virtual Desktop can help you adapt to changes in the business environment and increase productivity.

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Premium tier for Azure Data Lake Storage is now generally available

Premium tier is ideal for big data analytics applications and workloads that require low and consistent latency (fast access) or[…]

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QnA Maker introduces deep learning (Public Preview)

The next version of QnA Maker introduces state-of-art deep learning technologies and advances several core capabilities like better relevance and[…]

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Azure HDInsight ID Broker (HIB) is now generally available

HDInsight ID Broker (HIB) provides modern OAuth authentication and enables federated users to login to cluster without syncing on-premise password[…]

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Azure Sphere 20.10 update is now available

Learn about what’s new in the the 20.10 release, including new and updated features in the OS, SDK, and extensions[…]

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New Azure Firewall capabilities will be generally available in Q4 CY2020

Custom DNS, DNS Proxy capability, and FQDN filtering in network rules will be generally available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Monitor Application Insights Java 3.0 is now generally available

Now you can monitor your Java apps without a single change of code – the Application Java agent can be[…]

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Azure HDInsight now supports Private Link in preview

Azure HDInsight private link integration allows you to create VNET injected clusters with no public IP and access them using your[…]

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Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 recursive access control list (ACL) update is generally available

Set, update, or remove access control lists (ACLs) recursively for existing Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Azure Backup—Soft delete for SQL Server in Azure VM and SAP HANA

Soft Delete for Azure Backup for SQL and SAP HANA in Azure Virtual Machines is now generally available. Source: Microsoft[…]

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New region added to Azure HDInsight

Azure HDinsight is now generally available in UAE Central Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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A day in the life – Marketing

You need a secure location to bring together everything your team needs to be productive–chats, calls, meetings, apps, and more. Microsoft Teams pulls together all the collaboration tools you need, right within the interface. That includes easy access to outside tools like social media. Find out how that makes the day for a marketer like Pam a lot easier!

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