Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure Lighthouse receives 2019 CRN Tech Innovator Award

Azure Lighthouse has been recognized as the Managed Service Partner (MSP) Technology category winner of the 2019 CRN Tech Innovator[…]

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New Azure PowerShell module is available in preview

The new PowerShell module for Azure provides updates to all Azure services and comes with a preview module for Azure[…]

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Azure Red Hat OpenShift region expansion

Azure Red Hat OpenShift is now generally available in Brazil South, Central India, Japan East, Korea Central, North Central US[…]

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Questo gruppo di imprese è il più attaccato sulla terra: ecco come lo abbiamo aiutato

Nel mondo esistono 79 milioni di imprese che contano un massimo di 300 dipendenti e soddisfano quindi la definizione di[…]

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Azure Private Link support in AKS now in preview

Use Azure Private Link support in AKS to Interact with the Kubernetes API server as a private endpoint in your[…]

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Azure Service Fabric 7.0 is now available

The new Azure Service Fabric release introduces several new features as well as stability and performance improvements. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Proximity placement groups are now available

Proximity placement groups—an Azure Virtual Machine logical grouping capability to decrease inter-VM network latency—is now available. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Azure Database for MySQL support for MySQL 8.0 is now available

Azure Database for MySQL now provides general availability support for the latest major version of MySQL, version 8.0. Source: Microsoft[…]

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The millennial arrival and the evolution of the modern workplace

At AGORA TECH srls, we’re making strides to modernize our workplace and empower our customers to do the same. By 2030, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce, and businesses must continue to evolve in step with a generation that expects access and flexibility, prioritizes work-life integration, and depend on technology that will not only promote personal growth, but help them bring about change in the world. Enable your employees to stay connected and make an impact with the Microsoft Cloud and best-in-class collaboration tools like #Office365. To learn more, contact us today.

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How Modern Infrastructure And Machine Intelligence Will Disrupt The Industry

In an ever-changing IT industry, disruptions are inevitable. The emergence of containers, microservices, and cloud-native architecture are just a few trends in the next generation of IT infrastructure. Machine intelligence, the convergence of cognitive computing and IoT, is another trend to keep top of mind. Modern infrastructure and machine intelligence are just two more reasons to modernize and stay relevant. To get started, contact us today.

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The feds and the states are embracing privacy law – what that means to your business

Targeted ads have become an integral part of the way consumers shop, and the way businesses advertise. As new consumer data privacy laws from both the states and the federal government are discussed, the future for this type of advertising seems uncertain. Luckily, there are ways for businesses to proactively comply with upcoming laws that also present new marketing opportunities. By taking steps to improve customer data security, and being transparent with customers about those steps, you can go a long way in building trust–a valuable form of marketing in itself. Contact us to learn more about how Microsoft 365 can adapt to your needs, no matter what changes are coming your way.

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Customer story: Special Olympics

With the Microsoft Cloud, the @SpecialOlympics tracks information for nearly 5 million athletes in 170 countries. And with anywhere, anytime access to data, countless hours have been saved and reinvested into impacting athletes and changing the world. Have you ever wondered how you can use technology to impact lives and change the world? Wherever you are in your cloud journey, AGORA TECH srls can help. Contact us to learn more.

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