20 Ottobre 2022
Manufacturing at Microsoft Ignite 2022: Do more with less

The Microsoft Ignite event is one of our opportunities to showcase new and updated technology innovations. We all know that now, more than ever, it’s critical to apply technology to create safer factories, and more resilient and sustainable supply chains. However, one thing stays the same for manufacturershow do we[…]

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19 Ottobre 2022
Lead new opportunities and advancements in financial services

Coming off a successful week at Sibos 2022 in Amsterdam alongside many of our partners like Accenture/Avanade, BackBase, CapGemini, FIS, and SAS, we are energized by the incredible Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services partner solutions coming to market to help financial organizations continue their transition to the cloud[…]

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19 Ottobre 2022
Deliver breakthrough value with Microsoft Cloud for industries: Latest release

The world relies on industry. Events over the last two years have revealed just how important our ability to adapt and be resilient to changes and challenges is. Across all industries, whether healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, or even non-profit, an organization’s digital resilience can be key to success.[…]

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18 Ottobre 2022
Leaning in on regulating cloud as critical infrastructure: Regulatory changes in Europe, the UK, and elsewhere

The financial services industry has pivoted at a rapid pace to modernize systems and move to use Microsoft Cloud services as the backbone for key functions from worker productivity, front and back-end business applications, and running underlying infrastructure at scale. External factors such as COVID-19, threat actors in cyberspace,[…]

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Se i bot imparano l’arte di negoziare e mentire

Perché l’intelligenza artificiale diventi davvero funzionale, è necessario che si avvicini il più possibile a quella umana. Ma i risvolti di questi sviluppi possono avere diverse sfaccettature. Il team di ricerca sull’AI di Facebook ha presentato i risultati raggiunti nei suoi ultimi esperimenti: far sì che i bot fossero in grado di portare[…]

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Il documento telematico porta efficienza e controllo

Non è solo una questione di praticità nella ge­stione dei documenti e di maggiore sicurez­za in caso di contestazioni sulle operazioni registra­te in un passato che può essere anche remoto. La sfi­da della dematerializzazione investe in primo luogo il tema della produttività, cruciale per un Paese co­me il[…]

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